Monday, December 30, 2024

Ten YUGE WINS for Melvilliana in 2024

Greetings from the Minnesota bank of beautiful Lake Pepin, otherwise known as the Mississippi River.

πŸ† #1. As you probably heard by now, November of the present year 2024 came with a bang of a W = WIN for Melvilliana and the free world. I'm talking, obviously, about the exciting discovery of the long-lost Chilton copy of A Visit from St. Nicholas ("'Twas the night before Christmas....") in the handwriting of its author, Clement C. Moore. The very existence of this rare and valuable manuscript had been forgotten when I called attention, five years ago, to the facsimile reproduction of the first page in the January 1875 issue of St. Nicholas: A Monthly Magazine for Boys and Girls

Recovery of the Chilton copy brings the total number of extant manuscripts (that we know about) to five. Only four were generally acknowledged at the time of my blog post back in December 2019. 

I was thrilled to learn from Peter Klarnet, Senior Specialist for manuscript and printed Americana at Christie's, that the Chilton copy turned up this year in excellent condition, along with a signed note from Moore and supporting documents that definitively establish the provenance of this particular manuscript version. As reported in the New York Times and on Spectrum News NY1, the Chilton copy was acquired by distinguished collector Adrian Van Sinderen before his death in 1963, and since then has been held by family members. 

Now offered for private sale by Christie's, the newly discovered Chilton copy of "A Visit from St. Nicholas" is presented with fine images and enticing descriptive details, here:
For me, the unexpected and highly gratifying discovery or re-discovery of the Chilton manuscript has to be the biggest win for Melvilliana in 2024. And to think I almost deleted my original 2019 post about it, after being told the 1875 facsimile in St. Nicholas was most likely a poor reproduction of the known copy owned by the Huntington Library

Listed below are nine more YUGE WINS racked up on Melvilliana this year, so many wins you might get tired of all the winning before the ball drops at midnight. πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

πŸ† #2 is my discovery that James Clarke Welling took over the regular column of "Notes on New Books" in the Washington National Intelligencer in late 1850 or early 1851 which means that Welling wrote the splendid review of Moby-Dick long and wrongly attributed in previous Melville scholarship to William Allen Butler. Friends, do you know how hard it is to legit correct Hugh Hetherington, Perry Miller, AND Hershel Parker on a matter of fact?!
Wait, there's more! Number two comes with a bonus win at no extra charge. Although Butler in reality never reviewed Moby-Dick, he did contribute the friendly notice of Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables, not counted in the published inventory by Gary Scharnhorst, Nathaniel Hawthorne: An Annotated Bibliography of Comment and Criticism Before 1900 (Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1988). 

πŸ† #3 is my highly satisfying find of the Cincinnati Daily Times review of Melville's 1858 lecture on "Statues in Rome."
In the 1950's Merton M. Sealts, Jr. and professional librarians duly searched then-available archives but never found it. Not recorded in the 1987 Northwestern-Newberry edition Piazza Tales and Other Prose Pieces, 1839-1860, edited by Harrison Hayford, Alma A. MacDougall, G. Thomas Tanselle, and others. To my mind, the coolest thing here is the unique record of something Melville said about the sculpted visage of Tiberius. Only this one review of "Statues in Rome" in the Cincinnati Daily Times finds Melville drawing directly from his journal, word-for-word, in the descriptive phrase "intellect without manliness."

πŸ† #4 began with my humble attempt to compose a requested footnote on pelican-beach and ended up disclosing the probable source-text for Melville's Civil War poem "In the Prison Pen (1864)." So what? So the pitiable meagreness exhibited by Melville's prisoner does not necessarily indicate his physical death, but rather his severely emaciated condition as one of the "living skeletons" released from rebel prisons, so described by the U. S. Sanitary Commission in the 1864 Narrative of Privations and Sufferings.
πŸ† #5 broke new ground in a cluster of posts on the newspaper syndication of Herman Melville's poem "The Admiral of the White" in 1885. As uncovered on Melvilliana, Allen Thorndike Rice arranged for the simultaneous publication of Melville's poem in more U. S. newspapers than we knew, including the Cincinnati Times-Star and St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press
πŸ† #6. Hershel Parker in a footnote for the 3rd Norton Critical Edition of Moby-Dick correctly if a bit vaguely identified "the carved Roman slave" referenced in Chapter 126, The Life-Buoy as that
"famous statue, which is in the Tribune of the Uffizi Museum, in Florence, Italy."
More specifically named L'Arrotino, the Knife-Grinder, as discussed in this blog post from February 2024:
Besides the added precision, what makes #6 really great is my discovery of another, formerly popular but now forgotten name for this famous work of art.
The other name of the Knife-Grinder perfectly explains Melville's choice of words in the Life-Buoy chapter, when Ishmael depicts startled sailors as "transfixedly listening" and then compares them in that regard to the statue of a Roman slave known as THE LISTENING SLAVE. 

As I write this on New Year's Eve 2024 the Melville Electronic Library still misidentifies "the carved Roman slave" of chapter 126 The Life-Buoy as the famous “Dying Gaul” or “Dying Gladiator." Let's hope they read this and get it right in 2025!

πŸ† #7 potentially adds another illustrated book of travel and adventure in the Middle East by William Henry Bartlett to the three already listed in the catalog of books owned and borrowed by Herman Melville at Melville's Marginalia Online. Offered by bookseller Noah Farnham Morrison of "Noah's Ark" in Elizabeth, New Jersey the year before Allan Melville's daughters (Mrs. Maria G. Morewood and Katherine G. Melville) sold Arrowhead and unspecified books from Herman Melville's library in 1927.
πŸ† #8 reveals the exact date (February 16, 1868) and place (the regimental armory then located on the corner of Hall Place and Seventh street) Herman Melville gifted "a beautiful portrait of the late private" Malcolm Melville to the New York State Militia unit in which his deceased son had proudly served.
Strong finishers who persevere to the end of #8 are rewarded with this fun fact not down in Jay Leyda's great Melville Log or any Melville biography, yet nonetheless true: Malcolm Melville's good friend and fellow member of Company B, George O. Starr later became world-famous as the managing director of Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth.

πŸ† #9 locates a late, casual allusion to Moby-Dick in Charles G. Whiting's newspaper tribute to Louis Moreau Gottschalk, published shortly after Gottschalk's death in Rio de Janeiro. Signed "C. G. W." the reminiscence in the Springfield MA Daily Republican (January 29, 1870) refers specifically to Chapter 54: The Town-Ho's Story. After the Civil War and rumors of a scandalous romance in San Francisco, the brilliant New Orleans-born pianist had left the United States for South America, touring in Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. As Whiting chose to put it, echoing one of Ishmael's supposed listeners/drinking companions at the "Golden Inn" in Lima, Peru, Gottschalk

"found more luxurious rest in the city of the Incas, whose wickedness has become a proverb,--"Corrupt as Lima,"--or among the orange groves around Rio Janeiro."
Although widely regarded as an invented proverb, something Melville made up, the repeated expression "Corrupt as Lima" in Moby-Dick derives from one of Melville's earliest source-books, A Visit to the South Seas Volume 1 (New York: John P. Haven, 1831) by Charles S. Stewart:
"Lima is said to be the most corrupt city on the continent—so much so that along the whole coast, I am told, the name alone is a proverb of sin."
πŸ† #10 corrects an exceedingly rare misreading by Herman Melville's best biographer Hershel Parker in his published transcription of the letter that Herman's older sister Helen Melville wrote from Lansingburgh, New York to younger sister Augusta Melville (then in Bath, a town in Steuben County, New York) on October 10, 1841. 
Helen tells of socializing with Lemuel Shaw and family in Lenox, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. As triumphantly shown in this the tenth major WIN for Melvilliana in 2024, Charles Cromwell Ingham not Henry Inman was "the portrait painter" then making "a professional visit" to the Sedgwicks in Lenox. 

Skeptical readers who harbor any doubts about its being all that YUGE of a win are invited to transcribe one or more letters in the awesome collection of Augusta Melville papers, digitized and accessible online courtesy of The New York Public Library Digital Collections. And to ponder the remarkable fact that right before the arrival of 1841, the same year in which Herman Melville's sister Helen and brother Gansevoort partied with "the portrait painter" C. C. Ingham, this very same artist had drawn St. Nicholas coming down the chimney. On New Year's Eve! 

The New York Mirror of January 2, 1841 featured an amazing engraving based on Ingham's commissioned portrait of St. Nicholas at his work. Printer and publisher Daniel Fanshaw explained how it came about:
"... having a very great reverence for the good old Saint who so often made our hearts jump with joy when we were boys, we prevailed upon our friend Ingham to give us a sketch of him, just as he saw him one bright, frosty, moonlight night, as he was returning home late from a party of friends."
So much winning! If you're not yet sick of it, truck on by Melvilliana on Substack and check out the second chapter of my work in progress:
Thank you for reading and Happy New Year everyone!!!! πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸΎ

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Author of THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS glimpsed at Newport, 1855

"That mild, delicate-looking, elderly gentleman, benevolently gazing from his rocking chair, has rejoiced more children than PETER PARLEY; it is the venerable and benign author of The Night before Christmas, &c."

-- Henry Theodore Tuckerman writing "From Newport" to the New York Daily Times (August 6, 1855) over the pseudonym, CANONICUS. 

06 Aug 1855, Mon The New York Times (New York, New York)

Clement C. Moore had been a summer resident in Newport, Rhode Island since 1850 when he retired from teaching Hebrew at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. "Canonicus," the Newport correspondent who espied the "venerable and benign author of The Night before Christmas" on his rocker, was Herman Melville's friend Henry Theodore Tuckerman. As stated in the CyclopΓ¦dia of American Literature Volume 2, edited by Evert A. Duyckinck and George L. Duyckinck (New York: Charles Scribner, 1856), Tuckerman often summered in Newport. In 1854-1855 Tuckerman contributed letters with news and gossip "From Newport" to the New York Times, printed there over the pseudonym,"Canonicus." This was one of several aliases Tuckerman used when writing for newspapers and magazines. As shown previously on Melvilliana, Henry T. Tuckerman was also "KNICK," the New York correspondent of the Boston Evening Transcript
Under another nom-de-plume, "Theodore Clarence," Tuckerman wrote for The Galaxy: A Magazine of Entertaining Reading, as he revealed in a letter to Evert A. Duyckinck dated May 12, 1868. The article on Essays and Essay Writing in the Galaxy for August 1866 is by Theodore Clarence =  Tuckerman.

Henry T. Tuckerman confided his secret identity as "Canonicus" to Evert A. Duyckinck in a letter from Newport dated August 13, 1855. 

"If you see the N. Y. Times you may have noticed some letters from here signed 'Canonicus'--by your humble servant--but this is strictly inter nos, remember."

Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library. "Letters to E.A. Duyckinck and G. Duyckinck" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1845 - 1861. 

Subsequently in the letter from Newport published in the New York Daily Times on August 15, 1855, the "old-fashioned courtesy" modeled by former newspaper editor Charles King (by then President of Columbia College) would prompt "Canonicus" to reminisce about

the palmy days of the New-York American, when CHARLIE HOFFMAN wrote letters from the West in its columns, and "Ianthe" impassioned poetry," and its editor was, indeed, a gentleman of the press.
Charles King was still editor when the New York American (March 1, 1844) published a letter from Clement C. Moore, affirming his already well-known authorship of "A Visit from St. Nicholas" aka "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." King was an old friend of Clement C. Moore, and also of Herman Melville's parents before 1830, when the family lived in New York City. 

Ianthe was the pseudonym of New York poet Emma C. Embury.

Charlie Hoffman is of course Charles Fenno Hoffman, another mutual friend (along with Dr. John Wakefield Francis) of Melville and Tuckerman. Hoffman edited the New-York Book of Poetry, the 1837 collection with the famous Christmas poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" on pages 217-219, rightly attributed to Clement C. Moore. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Chilton copy, found!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Toast to Southey by T. Romeyn Beck


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Ovid's influence in "After the Pleasure Party"


Walter Sutton wrote the article titled "Melville's 'Pleasure Party' and the Art of Concealment" in Philological Quarterly Volume 30 Issue 3 (July 1951) pages 316-327.

WALTER not William. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Cincinnati ENQUIRER review, Melville's 1857-8 lecture on "Statues in Rome"

As advertised, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, February 2, 1858 Herman Melville gave his "Statues in Rome" lecture at Smith & Nixon's Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio. Contemporary newspaper accounts of Melville's lecture including the one transcribed herein were collected by researchers in the 1940's and '50's and incorporated in the reconstructed text offered by Merton M. Sealts, Jr. in Melville as Lecturer (Harvard University Press, 1957). Based on the prior work of Sealts, a composite version of "Statues in Rome" is presented with similarly reconstructed texts of Melville's two other lectures on the South Seas and Traveling in The Piazza Tales and Other Prose Pieces, 1839-1860, edited by G. Thomas Tanselle, Harrison Hayford, and Hershel Parker (Northwestern University Press and the Newberry Library, 1987). 

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer - January 30, 1858
A while back I found the previously un-located review of Melville's lecture on "Statues in Rome" in the Cincinnati Daily Times, transcribed on Melvilliana here:
Below is my transcription of the review of "Statues in Rome" that appeared in the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer the day after Melville's lecture. Although it is well known to scholars from the clipping saved by family members, and excerpted in Jay Leyda's 1951 Melville Log (Volume 2, pages 590-591) I am prompted to give it here in full after realizing that the text presented as a bad and belated review of the Confidence-Man in Herman Melville: The Contemporary Reviews, edited by Brian Higgins and Hershel Parker (Cambridge University Press, 1995; paperback 2009) page 506 is from the editorial survey of Melville's literary career that introduces this otherwise favorable take on Melville's lecture. 

Talk about poisoning the well!

An earlier and more positive notice of Melville's Confidence-Man had appeared in the same newspaper on April 10, 1857, when the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer was edited by Alexander Walker (1819-1893). 

James J. Faran (1808-1892), co-owner with Washington McLean, was named on the masthead as sole editor when the review of "Statues in Rome," transcribed in full below, appeared in the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer on February 3, 1858. 

Y. M. M. L. Lecture. Herman Melville on "Statues in Rome."

Mr. Herman Melville has been well known for a dozen years past, both in this country and Europe, as the author of a number of tales, the most popular and best of which are stories of the sea, such as "Typee, "Omoo," and "Moby Dick." Of late years, Mr. M. has turned his attention to another species of composition more akin to the modern novel. "Pierre, or the Ambiguities," is an example of this; highly extravagant and unnatural, but original and interesting in its construction and characters. His last production, "The Confidence Man," is one of the dullest and most dismally monotonous books we remember to have read, and it has been our unavoidable misfortune to peruse, in the fulfillment of journalistic duty, a number of volumes through, which nothing but a sense of obligation would have sustained us. "Typee," one of, if not the first of his works, is the best, and "The Confidence Man" the last, decidedly the worst. So Mr. M.'s authorship is toward the nadir rather than the zenith, and he has been progressing in the form of an inverted climax. 

"Fayaway" is the most attractive and best-known character Mr. M. has drawn, and there are few who do not have sentimental recollections of the fair, lithe, graceful Indian girl, with all the instinctive delicacy and refinement and charmfulness, which the highest circles of society often fail to exhibit.

But to Mr. Melville's lecture, which he had often delivered in the cities of the East, and of which report has spoken very favorably. Smith & Nixon's Hall was about two-thirds filled with a highly intelligent and cultivated auditory, when the lecturer, an unremarkable, quiet, self-possessed-looking man, seemingly about thirty-five or six years of age, with  brown hair, whiskers and mustache, bronze complexion, above the medium stature, appearing not unlike the captain of an American merchantman, presented himself before them.

Mr. M. remarked, at the outset, that it might be supposed the only proper judge of statues would be a sculptor; but he believed others than the artist could appreciate and see the beauty of the marble art of Rome. All men admired and were drawn to flowers, though utterly destitute of a knowledge of botany. Burns' description of the daisy was far superior to that of Linnaeus; the world had given its verdict in favor of the poet.

On entering Rome, the visitor was greeted by thousands of statues, who, as representatives of the mighty past, hold out their hands to the present, and made the connecting link of centuries. The lecturer would not linger among the numerous statues of the Seven-hilled City, but hasten to the Vatican. There was Demosthenes, who resembled a modern advocate, face thin and haggard, and his body lean.  The arm that had gesticulated and swayed with its movement the souls of the Athenians, was small and shrunken. He looked as if a glorious course of idleness would be beneficial. Titus had a short, thick figure, and a round face, expressive of cheerfulness, good-humor and joviality; and yet all know how different was his character from this outward seeming. Socrates reminded one of an Irish comedian. Julius Caesar's bust indicated a practical, business-like turn of mind, and gave one the idea that he would make an excellent financier or President of the New York and Erie Railroad. Seneca wore a pinched and weasened appearance; would have made a good pawnbroker, and his semblance was just; but it was well known that he was avaricious and grasping, and dealt largely in mortgages and loans, and drove hard bargains even at that day. Nero was delicate in feature, and resembled a dissipated and fast young man--such as one meets on race-courses. Plato was a Greek Grammont or Chesterfield: his hair was oiled and pomatumed, and carefully parted as a modern belle's. He might have composed his works under the hand of the barber, or a modern valet-de-chambre.

The lecturer stated that five thousand Romans, habited in the costume of the present day, would not, if placed in the Corso, be recognized from our own countrymen.

Tiberius was handsome, was refined, and even pensive in expression. A lady had remarked in the lecturer's hearing: "Why, he does not look so bad." Had he looked badly, he would not have been Tiberius. He was melancholy without pity, and sensitive without affection. He was, perhaps, the most wicked of men. The Apollo was so wonderful a creation that it was impossible to give any idea of its sublimity; all admired, all were attracted to it; it was almost worshipped by every one who came within its presence. Visitors looked at it in silence and in awe. There seemed to be in the Apollo something that answered the divine longings of our nature, and which Faith told us could not be gratified on earth. The Venus--which was at Florence--was lovely, beautiful, but far less great than the Apollo. She was exceedingly refined, delicious in everything; but she was of the earth and Apollo was divine. The Laocoon was grand and impressive, and gained half its significance from its symbolism--the fable that it represented--humanity struggling with destiny. Otherwise it would be no more that [than] Paul Potter's "Boar Hunt" at Amsterdam.

The lecturer spoke in fervid and eloquent terms of the influence of the statues of Rome; of the delight they inspired and the instruction they furnished. They were the works of visionaries and dreamers, but they were realizations of soul, the representatives of the ideal. They were grand, beautiful and true, and they spoke with a voice that echoed through the ages. Governments had changed; empires had fallen; nations had passed away; but these mute marbles remained--the oracles of time, the perfection of art.

We boasted much of our progress, of our energy, of our achievements; but did all our triumphs equal those of the horses and divinities that stood there silent, the incarnations of grandeur and of beauty? The ancients lived while those statues endured, and seemed to breathe inspiration through that world, giving purpose, shape and impetus to what was created high, or grand, or beautiful. While the Colosseum stands, will Rome; and when Rome falls, the world.

We have no space to refer to all that Mr. Melville mentioned, but must say that his lecture, occupying nearly two hours in delivery, was exceedingly interesting and eloquent, abounding in admirable specimens of such word-painting as his best works contain. His discourse was classic and beautiful, and by far the best that has yet been delivered this season before the Library.

His delivery was, in some respects, agreeable, but not in others--it was monotonous and often indistinct, but not devoid of impressiveness, which sometimes approached the ministerially solemn. 

Related posts:

Monday, November 18, 2024

Early notice of Melville's CONFIDENCE-MAN in the Cincinnati ENQUIRER, edited by Alexander Walker

A Mississippi River Landing
via The New York Public Library Digital Collections

This favorable notice of The Confidence Man: His Masquerade in the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer for April 10, 1857 is not reprinted or listed in Herman Melville: The Contemporary Reviews, edited by Brian Higgins and Hershel Parker (Cambridge University Press, 1995; paperback 2009). Contemporary Reviews on page 506 does give the negative evaluation that appeared the next year in the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer (February 3, 1858) trashing Melville's Confidence-Man as "one of the dullest and most dismally monotonous books we remember to have read." Although the editors of Contemporary Reviews do not indicate where they got it, the dismissive treatment of the Confidence-Man as the worst of Melville's increasingly bad books after Typee and Omoo, forms a kind of editorial preface to a longer review of Melville's 1858 lecture on Statues in Rome.

The earlier, more positive notice in the Cincinnati Enquirer commends the Confidence-Man as a "graphic" display of the social "amusement and fun" to be had when travelling by steamboat "on the Western Rivers." Found on and transcribed below.

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer - April 10, 1857

Book Notice.

THE CONFIDENCE MAN. By Herman Melville, author of "Omoo," "Typee," &c. New York: Dix, Edwards & Co. For sale by L. Danforth. Cincinnati: Rickey, Mallory & Webb.

Mr. Melville is known by the sketches of travel and adventure among the islands of the Pacific, to which he owes his earliest fame. In the work before us he has selected a home scene. The volume opens at St. Louis, and describes the incidents of a voyage down the Mississippi River. The author exhibits, with graphic accuracy, the peculiarities of some of those eccentric originals so often encountered on that frequent route of travel, with whom confinement on board the same steamer for days makes more or less of social intercourse a necessity, if it were not commonly, as in fact it is, a source of very great amusement and fun. The truth of this will be readily assented to by those who are familiar with steamboat travel on the Western Rivers, and none can finish the perusal of this volume without craving a practical relish of the entertainment it affords. 

10 Apr 1857, Fri The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Very likely the change from mild praise to outright disdain for Melville's Confidence-Man in the pages of the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer from April 1857 to February 1858 reflects the change of editors during the same period of time. 

When the first notice of the Confidence-Man appeared on April 10, 1857, Virginia born lawyer and journalist Alexander Walker (1819-1893) aka "Judge" Walker had been editing the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer for two years. Walker was already the author of Jackson and New Orleans (New York: J. C. Derby, 1856). During the Civil War, the New York Times ("Affairs in New Orleans," September 11, 1862) would grudgingly acknowledge the ardent secessionist and influential editor of the New Orleans Delta as "one of the ablest writers and literary men the Southwest has produced." At that time, after the capture of New Orleans, Walker was still in prison, being held with other civilian detainees at Fort Massachusetts on West Ship Island, Mississippi.

New Orleans Daily Picayune - January 25, 1893

Near the end of August 1857, the Cincinnati Enqurier was jointly acquired by Washington McLean and former owner-editor James John Faran (1808-1892). Faran served as mayor of Cincinnati in 1855-1857, when Walker was editor of the Enquirer

James J. Faran

The masthead named James J. Faran as chief editor of the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer when the review of Melville's lecture on "Statues in Rome" appeared on February 3, 1858, prefaced by a survey of Melville's books which estimated his last work the Confidence-Man as "decidedly the worst." 

Related post:

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Early praise for Clement C. Moore's 1825 lecture on the Hebrew Bible

The professor shows that he has entered intimately into the spirit of Hebrew poetry....

With "Philo-HebrΕ“us," as the contributor of this forgotten letter to the editors of the New York American subscribed himself, self-identifying as a friend or lover of the Hebrew language and people, I would heartily recommend Clement C. Moore's wonderful Lecture introductory to the course of Hebrew instruction as, among its many virtues, a strong inducement "to the study of Hebrew poesy." Although two centuries now have passed, the pseudonymous writer's insight that Professor Moore had "entered intimately into the spirit of Hebrew poetry" remains suggestive and potentially valuable I think for a better understanding of Moore's own poetry, including the world-famous rhymes describing A Visit from St. Nicholas.

The lecture so warmly endorsed by "Philo-HebrΕ“us" was delivered by Clement C. Moore at Christ Church in New York City on November 14, 1825, nearly three years after he wrote "Visit" aka "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" to entertain his kids.

New York Evening Post - November 14, 1825

In 1798 Clement C. Moore graduated from Columbia College, first in his class. In 1809 he published his important two-volume work, A compendious lexicon of the Hebrew language, duly honored as the "first work of the kind in America" in Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors Volume 2 (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1874) page 1351. In 1813 "Clem" married Catherine Elizabeth Taylor, called "Eliza" in the family circle, after a courtship that Moore allegorized in a seven-page manuscript poem, 
The bride's version may be found in verses she wrote titled 
Upon receiving his honorary degree of L. L. D. from Columbia College in 1829, Moore was identified in at least one newspaper listing as "Clement C. Moore, Professor of Hebrew literature in the General Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary, New-York" (Middlebury, Vermont American, August 19, 1829). When first appointed his formal title was "Professor of Biblical Learning." Later on, "Professor of Oriental and Greek Literature."

Here then is the full text of the published endorsement by "Philo-HebrΕ“us," transcribed below from the New-York American, for the country of Friday, December 16, 1825; found on At this time the editors being addressed were David Johnston Verplanck and Charles King, Moore's good friend and later president of Columbia College.


Messrs. Editors— As I observe that you often appropriate a column of the first page of your paper to subjects connected with literature, and am persuaded that this contributes to make the American acceptable to a large class of your readers, I beg the favor of an insertion of the following remarks, if they should meet your approbation. If the object of them be not strictly and exclusively literary, it is however so closely associated with the best interests of learning, as to merit the attention of our enlightened and discriminating citizens.

The cause of literature and science is evidently gaining ground among us, and taking a stand somewhat proportioned to its elevated character and intrinsic value. The style of education in the more common schools is improving, and Columbia College is becoming better known, and consequently more highly appreciated, not only for the ability of its professors, but for the practical efficiency of its course of instruction; which, to say the least, in classical literature, yields the palm to none of her sister colleges in the United States. And there is in our city another institution which in time will have no little influence on its literary character—I mean the Episcopal Theological Seminary. I have silently, Messrs. Editors, watched the origin and progress of this school with no little interest; and although I freely acknowledge that the direct effect which it must produce upon the interests of the Episcopal church (of which I am a member,) in raising the literary and religious character generally of our clergy, constitutes in my mind its highest value, yet I beg leave to express the opinion that in a literary view merely, it is deserving of consideration. I have attended all its public exercises, and seldom have I come away without satisfaction, mingled however, (let me add without offence,) with no small portion of regret when I saw so few comparatively of the learned men of our city giving to those exercises the sanction of their presence. It is to me a gratifying circumstance that the necessary effect of the establishment of this Theological College will be to lessen the facilities of admission into the ministry to the unworthy, and to give the friendly hand of encouragement to the destitute and pious youth who is willing to pursue a laborious course of study, alike honourable to its projectors, and to those whose diligence and perseverance enable them to surmount its difficulties. I am glad to see that the faculty of this institution require, in addition to testimonials of moral and religious character, that the applicant for admission shall be able to read and analyze Latin and Greek classics, and possess a general knowledge of the principles of rhetoric and of natural and moral philosophy. This is as it should be. I hope they will never diminish their terms of admission; for in proportion to the requisitions not only demanded ostensibly, and on paper, but really secured by a careful and rigid examination in our higher schools, will be the attainments actually made in the lower. If this remark needed any illustration, it were easy to prove its truth by comparing the present state of our grammar schools with what it was some years ago, and tracing the difference to the increased requisitions of admission into Columbia College.

My attention has been directed to the subject of the Theological Seminary, from having lately read a "Lecture introductory to the course of Hebrew instruction," given in it by Professor Moore. In the present day, when so few of the middle-aged clergy of all denominations are well skilled in the language of the Old Testament, it is a circumstance both of surprise and gratification, that a layman of wealth, and family, and character, induced by no other considerations than the love of learning and of the Bible, should have acquired such accurate and extensive acquaintance with this most venerable and ancient tongue, as we know to be the case with this gentleman. Nor is it in Hebrew literature only that Mr. Moore's attainments are of the most respectable character. The purity and elegance of his composition, the soundness of his views, and the practical good sense of his reflections, mark the man of classical taste, of discriminating mind, and of sober judgment; and it is hoped that the example of one who can appreciate the excellencies of Greek tragedians and orators, and enjoy in his own language the author who is distinguished by a judge altogether competent, as "the greatest of all Italian and of all Christian poets,"🞷 will excite to the study of Hebrew poesy, not only the candidates for the ministry among us, but young gentlemen of leisure and literary taste.

It is with the view of promoting this object, that I beg leave to invite attention to the professor's lecture. It will abundantly repay the trouble of perusal. He examines some of the objections which are frequently urged against the study of Hebrew, makes some remarks on the origin and nature of the language, and notices the characteristics of its prose and poetry.

To every Christian who is persuaded of the divinity and inspiration of the scriptures, it must be undoubtedly a source of great satisfaction, that those sacred records are receiving increased attention in our country. The whole genius and character of the authors respectively, taken in connexion with their public and private history, as far as the imperfect remains of olden times will permit it to be investigated, and with the vast world of contemporary antiquity, is becoming more and more developed, opening before the inquirer a new scene of variegated attraction of splendid sublimity, which no one can enjoy but the indefatigable traveller who has mounted to the summit of this, to most men, new and glorious creation. As curious and interesting records of antiquity, the various works which the Old Testament contains are worthy of attention by the student, even if his object is confined to literary fame and mental improvement, "the volume of Hebrew Scriptures," as the lecturer well remarks in his introduction, "is a book, whose antiquity surpassing that of all others, should alone be a powerful title to the respect of mankind; a book, which has for ages excited the liveliest interest and keenest curiosity among the profane as well as the religious; among its opponents as well as its defenders; which affords to the curious rich treasures in various departments of literature, and which, even under all the disadvantages of translation, calls forth the admiration of the orator and the poet." And if this is the case, under the acknowledged disadvantages of a version, however excellent as a whole, our own confessedly is,✝ "what must have been the enjoyment of those to whom the lofty effusions of Isaiah, the divine strains of the royal Psalmist, and the unrivalled imagery of the book of Job, were addressed in their native language!" The professor shows that he has entered intimately into the spirit of Hebrew poetry, when he tells us, that its "blaze of magnificence arises not from the selection of words or arrangement of phrases, but is due to the subjects treated of, to the imagery employed, to the feelings which are expressed and awakened, to the boldness of its flights, the awfulness of the idea it presents, and to the immensity of its range, 'as high as heaven'—'deeper than hell.' The effect of this poetry upon the mind, resembles that produced by the view of the great works of nature; it is irregular, but with an irregularity which could not be changed without destroying its effect. It is the voice of the thunder or of the whirlwind which strikes our ear; it is the expanse of the firmament which meets our eye: all creation rises before us; it is the voice of nature inspired by nature's God."

The few specimens from professor Moore's Lecture which I have given, will I trust, excite sufficient interest in your readers to peruse the whole of it, and at the same time awaken an attention to Hebrew literature. While the poets of Italy receive from an enlightened community that attention which is due to the models of elegance and taste; while the range of German literature, as splendid as it is immense, is beginning to be traversed; while the monuments of Greek and Roman composition are advancing daily to that honorable station among us, which their unrivalled excellence demands, let us not pass unnoticed the less known and less eulogized but not less meritorious Hebrew poet. He will astonish by the grandeur of his conception and the splendour of his imagery; he will awaken feeling by the tenderness and resignation with which he opens the depths of his grief; and what must ever raise his value in the estimation of every one who thinks it important to mingle the utile with the dulce, he will communicate that instruction which will elsewhere be sought in vain; that wisdom which "is the brightness of the everlasting light, the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of his goodness."


🞷 This is Schlegel's eulogy of Dante. See Lect. IX.

✝ On this point Mr. Moore has expressed himself with feeling and strength; and his remark cannot but give satisfaction to the mere English writer. 

New-York American for the country
December 16, 1825

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Gottschalk reminiscence by Charles G. Whiting, with "Corrupt as Lima" quoted from MOBY-DICK

Signed "C. G. W." this reminiscence of the brilliant New Orleans-born pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk by Charles Goodrich Whiting appeared in the Springfield Daily Republican (Springfield, Massachusetts) on January 29, 1870. Notices of Gottschalk's death in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in December 1869 had reached the United States nine days before, via steamship. Responding to the sad news, Whiting offers a heartfelt tribute to Gottschalk's genius and patriotism, informed by random personal encounters with the celebrated pianist in 1862, while vacationing in Saratoga, New York. Whiting also shares a memorable story (extracted from the report of another, unidentified Saratoga tourist) about Gottschalk's fired-up playing of the Star Spangled Banner in Saratoga, around the start of the Civil War. 

Springfield Daily Republican - January 29, 1870

For Melville fans, another point of interest in Charles G. Whiting's published tribute to Gottschalk will be found in a casual allusion to Moby-Dick, specifically Chapter 54: The Town-Ho's StoryAfter the Civil War and rumors of a scandalous romance in San Francisco, Gottschalk left the United States for South America, touring in Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. According to Whiting,

"He found more luxurious rest in the city of the Incas, whose wickedness has become a proverb,--"Corrupt as Lima,"--or among the orange groves around Rio Janeiro."

Glossing Gottschalk's warm and apparently forgiving reception in Lima, Peru, Whiting quotes the expression "Corrupt as Lima" as a supposedly well-known "proverb" of sinfulness. However pervasive the association of Lima with immortality may have become, that particular way of expressing it with the simile, "Corrupt as Lima" was always Melville's own invention, creatively inspired by a passage in one of his favorite source-books, A Visit to the South Seas (New York: John P. Haven, 1831) by Charles S. Stewart. Charles Goodrich Whiting would not have found the cited "proverb" outside of "The Town-Ho's Story" from Moby-Dick; or, The Whale in some version or other, as it first appeared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine for October 1851 or later in Chapter 54 of Moby-Dick

Transcribed below from the Springfield MA Daily Republican of January 29, 1870; this item was reprinted in the weekly edition of the Springfield Republican on February 4, 1870.


Reminiscences from a Saratoga Season.  

So Gottschalk is dead! The passionate pulse is still, the generous heart is hushed, the poet-soul is fled. Some cannot think of anything in his varied and brilliant life, but one strange episode which banished him from the northern world's regard, four years ago in San Francisco. I knew about this man, though merely by observation, only three years previous to his fall,--if fall it were, and not a fatal mistake of the world's. It was at Saratoga in the hight of the season of 1862. He was of course an object of great interest to all the transient idlers, and I, idle like the rest, was drawn toward him irresistibly the first time I saw him. It was in a church, and a certain reverend beggar, with a wondrous gift of story-telling, was effectively stirring the sympathies of a large audience, even in a sweltering sultriness of air which invited sleep.

The usher inducted me into a pew where sat a young man, whose face would hardly have challenged a second glance, and whose presence even I did not at first heed. When my attention was drawn to him it was by a nervous motion of his fingers upon the seat before him, and I was struck by the rare refinement and delicacy of his hand. Hands have their expression no less truly than faces; Lavater said once that he would venture to pronounce upon the character of each person in a miscellaneous assembly, while passing around a contribution plate, and looking only on the hand as it dispensed or refused the chance of charity. This right hand was not slender, but its proportion and grace would not have shamed the immortality of marble. In its restlessness it showed as supple as silk, yet as strong as steel, and the nails were like shells, transparent and scrupulously trimmed. Then I scrutinized the man. Dark, wavy hair, a low brow, liquid and poetic eyes,--the only really fine feature his face held,--a handsome nose, though thick-nostriled as I once saw in a French sculpture of Apollo, a heavy moustache, a weak lower lip, a chin cleft with a deep dimple, and not too full cheeks,--these made his physiognomy. His dress was rich but not obtrusive or foppish, a large diamond shone on his left hand. It flashed across me, "This is Gottschalk!"

What impelled the artist to such a place, if he was merely a man of luxury and self-indulgence, is an enigma I should decline the attempt to solve. More astonishing than his presence was the emotion he plainly felt as the orator wrought up a painful tale of ruin and shame in the great city. I lost my interest in the story in watching the musician. And a lesser than Lavater would have been satisfied to call him "generous" on the evidence of the banknote he added to the collection of bits and fractions that followed the appeal.

I saw him often after that, and heard, too, many an incident of like tenor, testifying to a liberal, open-handed sharing of his rapidly gained fortunes with the needy; though I confess to having heard unpleasant tales enough about the unchecked riot of his passions. And yet in Saratoga he was the fast friend of the blind preacher, Rev. W. H. Milburn. Both were at the same Hotel--Union Hall--and they were much in each other's society; Mr. Milburn deeply loved music, and for his benefit Gottschalk's improvisations flowed freely. The pianist and the orator joined forces during this season in a charity entertainment, Gottschalk giving an hour's concert, Milburn his lecture on Milton.

I find in a letter written from Saratoga a description of an incident occurring there before my visit, but which I often heard alluded to by those present. It should be premised that the war had then but begun, and the old secesh element had not yet given place to the shoddy in that favorite resort of southern chivalry. Gottschalk was playing at a concert, a rare treat always. He had entranced all with his sensuous, brilliant, dreamy, gorgeous imagery of tone, his mastery of touch,--and now the struck into the "Star Spangled Banner." "The audience hissed him,--a thing unheard of, utterly out of his experience! They hissed him, as I said; the man turned, his face,--not a notable one,--flushed, his eyes flamed, intense scorn vibrated through his frame, he looked a lion! 'Now we shall hear playing,' whispered a friend at my elbow. And we did. He turned to his piano. Such a Star Spangled Banner I never before heard or shall hear again. The audience held their breath, patriots in despite of themselves. There followed Hail Columbia, and an interwoven rendering of other tunes, and mingling therein, still the Star Spangled Banner, glorious, unshaken, triumphant! They'll never try again to hiss down Louis Moreau Gottschalk!" One who never heard Gottschalk play cannot fully understand the possibilities of the piano. There is no one left like him. Sebastian Bach Mills plays mystically, Alide Topp is a marvel of artistic decision and delicacy, Ritter's splendid touch is a mere memory of Gottschalk's own,--but his genius has no successor. His vanity, which was undeniably great, as his kindliness of heart, always led him freely to display his marvelous talent for the entertainment of others. And the piano of Union Hall was a Mecca of music lovers the season through. Amid a society in which I never mingled, to be sure, but in regard to which I was more or less au fait, he was a prince.

A delicate courtesy or an ardent gallantry characterized his manner with women; and I have heard it said that his exquisite refinement rendered him the most dangerous assailant of woman's honor, and that he was not nearly so wicked as he might have been. His passions were like his birth, tropical; I have tried to believe less of their evil results than the gossip-mongers have bruited abroad, but the San Francisco story is not to be hid by any blind faith soever. Gottschalk's friends are said to claim that he was grossly abused at that time, and that all the damning record of lust, abduction, shame and hasty flight before the indignant avengers thereof, was half distortion, half fabrication. But they have not published their defensive version, and certainly since that hour he has never set  foot on northern shores. He found more luxurious rest in the city of the Incas, whose wickedness has become a proverb,--"Corrupt as Lima,"--or among the orange groves around Rio Janeiro.

But how magnificent, how enviable, his death-stroke! Leading a monster concert, stilling a storm of applause with the awful tenderness and mystery of his own inspired "La Mort," and amid the hushed listeners smitten by la mort in verity, and falling there, with a farewell clangor of chords he should never strike again on earth,--could ambition have wished a more ideal end to his life of prodigal passion and glowing genius?

C. G. W.
Springfield, January  28.

As recounted by C. G. Whiting, the hisses Gottschalk got from secesh-leaning listeners in Saratoga motivated a defiant performance of his patriotic composition "The Union: Concert Paraphrase on National Airs," still appreciated well into this our 21st century as A Rousing Anthem of National Unity. A similar anecdote circulated widely in Northern U. S. newspapers after an 1862 performance in Montreal, Canada.

12 Aug 1862, Tue St. Louis Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, Missouri)

GOTTSCHALK ON THE UNION.-- During the late provincial tour of this celebrated pianist in the Canadas, he gave an exhibition of his patriotism to our neighbors. At his concert in Montreal, the house being crammed to overflowing, loud calls were made for "Dixie" as soon as the pianist took his seat. Such a reception for a moment naturally confused the pianist, but collecting his ideas at once, he faced his audience and sat in silence for a few moments, with folded arms. When the tumult ceased he turned to his piano and, as one of his companions says, played "Hail Columbia," the "Star Spangled Banner," and "Yankee Doodle," as they were never before played on that instrument. The audience was completely shamed, and acknowledging the rebuke, were liberal in their applause during the rest of the evening. It may not be generally known that Gottschalk is a native of New Orleans, and for this exhibition of his patriotism he should have full credit. After the concert, he remarked to a friend that he would have seen the audience in Tophet before he would have complied with their demand.

-- St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 12, 1862.
In case you're wondering if Melville knew Gottschalk, the answer is "maybe." 
Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. A.L.s.(Bayard Taylor) to [Herman Melville];[New York] 24 Feb 1865., 1865.. Herman Melville papers, MS Am 188-188.6, MS Am 188, (339), Box: 7. Houghton Library.
Archived with Herman Melville papers at Houghton Library, Harvard University is an 1865 letter to Melville from Bayard Taylor naming Gottschalk as one of several members of "The Travellers" Club whom Melville might already know and enjoy socializing with. 
No. 139 East 8th St.
(Between B'way & 4th Avenue)
Feb. 24, 1865.

My dear Sir:

On Monday evening next, the 27th, "The Travellers" meet here, and it will give me great pleasure to see you among the guests of the Club. Many of the members are no doubt old friends of yours--Darley, Church, Bierstadt, Gottschalk, Cyrus Field, Hunt, Bellows and Townsend Harris. We simply meet to talk, winding up our evenings with a cigar and frugal refreshments.

Very truly yours,
Bayard Taylor.
-- printed text is available in Selected Letters of Bayard Taylor, edited by Paul C. Wermuth (Associated University Presses, 1997) on page 238; also in the 1993 Northwestern-Newberry Edition of Herman Melville's Correspondence, edited by Lynn Horth on page 696. 
New York Observer - March 23, 1865

Face-time with L. M. Gottschalk and other members of "The Travellers" seems at least conceivable. Newspaper ads confirm that Gottschalk at the time of Bayard's invitation to Melville was definitely still performing in New York City. In late February and March of 1865, "the most brilliant pianist that our country has produced" gave a series of "Farewell Concerts" at Niblo's Saloon. Early in April he would sail for California via Panama. 

As it happened, Gottschalk was still aboard the steamer Constitution when he learned that President Lincoln had been assassinated, as Barbara Cohen-Stratyner has related on the NYPL Blog in a moving 2015 post, An Incommensurable Grief... Louis Moreau Gottschalk on Lincoln's Assassination.

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