Saturday, November 6, 2021

Fragments from a Writing Desk: I copied Cleanth Brooks's letters years ago and ca...

Being true-blue fans of Brooks and Parker and greedy for anything like sound scholarship, we here on Melvilliana want those notes too.
"You’ll see that I take your hypothesis very seriously. I trust that you will publish the article—and soon. But if I am to be helpful in any way to you, it behooves me to set down what I think is improbable in your theory. Maybe these notes will suggest ways to you for strengthening your theory. Anyway, I send them in a spirit of cooperation being more and more certain in my own mind that sound scholarship is increasingly a cooperative enterprise."
Fragments from a Writing Desk: I copied Cleanth Brooks's letters years ago and ca...:  I noticed the book when I got down here, Arthur F. Kinney's G. K. Hall 1996 CRITICAL ESSAYS ON WILLIAM FAULKNER: THE SUTPEN FAMILY.   I...

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