
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Moby-Dick in the Buffalo Daily Courier

Buffalo Daily Courier - Saturday, November 22, 1851
MOBY DICK OR THE WHALE. By Herman Melville, author of "Type[e]," "Omoo," "Redburn," &c. Harper & Bros.

This is a joyous book, full of fine witicisms, and delicate and rapid touches of humor and interest. It takes us, as in a ship with spreading sails set, flying gaily through light summer seas, in a genial climate, surrounded by flying fish and in the best of spirits and company, thro' a voyage spent in the chase and capture of this royal fish, compared with which the mightiest elephant is but as a terrier.— The invention of the author never seems to flag and his descriptions of scenery are unsurpassed.— His sketches are not to be compared to those made by a pencil, for he certainly paints in warm and glowing colors, the several characters he chooses to present; and more than all this, there is a singular vein of graphic originality in his style both of words and thoughts. We have no slight pride and pleasure in saying that his merits are unquestionably recognized on both sides of the Atlantic. For sale by PHINNEY & CO.
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