
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Battle-Pieces in The New York Sun

The New York Sun - December 7, 1866
BATTLE PIECES AND ASPECTS OF THE WAR. Poems, by Herman Melville. Published by Harper Bros., New York.

Mr. Melville has already a fair reputation as a poet and graceful writer, and this volume will meet a kind reception. The author has chosen themes for rhyme that would perhaps read better in prose — especially if written in his own easy, pleasing style. As descriptions of scenes and events, the book will doubtless prove one of much interest to thousands who participated in some of the many battles that form the staple of the author's praise and song. As poetry, there are few, if any, pieces that can be ranked above mediocrity. While throughout the whole volume there runs an unmistakable sentiment of true patriotism, Mr. Melville is yet liberal in his views, and generous enough to praise the virtues of his country's enemies.

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