
Friday, May 28, 2021

Race hustle to save the whales (except that very bad one Melville wrote about)

Join the New Bedford Whaling Museum and the New Bedford Lyceum for a candid discussion with feminist and anti-racist scholar-activist Loretta J. Ross. Ross’ work emphasizes the intersectionality of social justice issues and how intersectionality can fuel transformation. She is a visiting associate professor at Smith College (Northampton, MA) in the Program for the Study of Women and Gender, teaching courses on white supremacy, race and culture in America, human rights, and calling in the calling out culture. Ross’ new book, Calling in the Calling Out Culture, is forthcoming in Fall 2021.
Hopefully the New Bedford Whaling Museum has already done the right thing and canceled called out "called in" their racist Moby-Dick Marathon. Allow me respectfully to suggest that the Whaling Museum, by way of partial atonement for promoting white-whale supremacy over several decades, replace the fetishistic glorifying of Moby-Dick every January with the annual continuous reading of the complete works of Ibram X. Kendi.  

We should probably start with Antiracist Baby and work up. 

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