
Sunday, July 5, 2020

“This Is America”: Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner Journey as Psychedelic Citizenship

“This Is America”: Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner Journey as Psychedelic Citizenship: “This Is America”: Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner Journey as Psychedelic Citizenship - Volume 8 Issue 4 - MARK CLAGUE

I'm learning a lot about the evolution and artistry of Hendrix's great Star Spangled Banner from the 2014 article by Mark Clague, linked above. This essay forms the basis of the March 2015 Lecture by Mark Clague at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. To me the "psychedelic" tag seems culturally relevant but possibly misleading--omit and you still get a great take on Hendrix's "aesthetics of citizenship." Transcendent yes, and freaky yes, like Little Richard said.

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