
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Omoo in Macon GA

From the Georgia Journal & Messenger (Macon, Georgia) for June 2, 1847, then edited by Samuel T. Chapman and Simri Rose. Now accessible via Georgia Historic Newspapers
and Tom Tryniski's online archives of historic newspapers at

Macon, GA Journal and Messenger - June 2, 1847
via FultonHistory


     OMOO: A NARRATIVE OF ADVENTURES IN THE SOUTH SEAS, by Herman Melville.— All who have read the deeply interesting work called Typee, from the pen of the above author, will of course be anxious still further to pursue the romantic wanderer among the Islands of the South Seas. Originally a sailor before the mast of a whaler, the author became a rover among the savages of the Marquesas Islands, and finally a captive in the valley of Typee, inhabited by primitive savages. As the volume called Typee was written principally to give a correct idea of the manners, customs, mode of living, &c., &c., of the South Sea Islanders, unbiased by missionary influences; so the book now before us is intended to give a familiar account of the present condition of the converted Polynesians. It is admirably written and abounds in interesting narrative. Many of the incidents are highly amusing and ludicrous, and the reflections just such as might be expected from a wild roving sailor, who possessed vast capacity, combined with a devil-may-care spirit, which made him equally at home in the hulk of a whaler, the hut of a savage, or the palace of a Tahiti sovereign. He treats of subjects hitherto little understood by the general reader, but which will be found not the less interesting because novel and far-fetched. It is a highly interesting Book.

     All of these works are from the prolific press of Harper & Brothers, and have been handed to us by Mr. Boardman, who offers them, together with an extensive collection of standard works, for sale.

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