
Monday, March 9, 2020

Omoo in Syracuse NY

Syracuse Daily Star - May 14, 1847
From the Syracuse Daily Star for Friday, May 14, 1847; found in the digital archives of Tom Tryniski at The Daily Star was then published by Kinney & Marsh.

Syracuse Daily Star (Syracuse, New York)
May 14, 1847

New Publications.

By the Author of "Typee," Published by the Harpers, New York.
It would be difficult to name a work of recent publication, so well designed as "Omoo" to interest and instruct. The author's work published last summer had a great run, and the unique character of the incidents and the felicitous style in which they were given, gained for it high admiration. "OMOO" is in reality a continuation of 'TYPEE," but by no means so intimately connected with it as to mar the interest of the work, of and by itself. The work is chiefly interesting from the vivid idea it imparts of the manners, customs, and general character of the inhabitants of the Islands, and life on board a whalesman; yet there is a vein of clever humor and philosophy running through almost every page of it which cannot fail of being well relished. The author has passed through scenes of the most exciting interest; and in the book before us has given his experience to the public in a very felicitous and agreeable style. The work is for sale by HALL & DICKSON. 
On the same page, Hall & Dickson's ad for Omoo called it "a splendid thing."

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