
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Omoo in Savannah

First item is from the Daily Georgian of May 17, 1847; found in the Georgia Historic Newspapers Archive. The Georgian was edited and published in Savannah by William H. Bulloch.

The Daily Georgian - May 17, 1847

New Publications.

Mr. John M. Cooper has received--

Omoo, A narrative of adventures in the South Seas. By Heman Melville, author of "Typee."

The previous work of the Author elicited unqualified praise from the press for its romantic tone--its classical images--its agreeable humor and racy style, one Editor calling it a work of even greater interest than Robinson Crusoe--another styling it a charming book--another a most refreshing book. Well, those who have not read "Typee" will hunt it up for perusal. Those who have will exercise some of Mother Eve's curiosity and turn over the pages of Omoo.
Second, from the Savannah Daily Republican of May 21, 1847; also found online in the archive of Georgia Historic Newspapers. The Republican was then owned and edited by Joseph L. Locke in partnership with Charles Davis.
Savannah Daily Republican - May 21, 1847
We have been favored by Col. WILLIAMS with the following new publications, which he has for sale: 
Omoo—A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas: by Herman Melville, author of Typee. All who have read Typee will not fail eagerly to snatch up this sequel to that highly fascinating narrative, which possessed at once the interest of a startling reality, and the charm of romance. It was very hard, for a long time, to convince the public that it was a real narrative, and not ideal one; but now that that doubt has been set at rest, the romantic interest is enhanced. No doubt his pictures are highly colored, yet they are drawn from nature, and nature too, divested of the superfluous drapery which civilization imposes upon more cultivated man. It is a charming book for after-dinner reading, when the mental appetite becomes epicurean. 
Also, Arthur Martin and Scripture Illustrated— both works for children, from the press of the Harpers'; as well as the 22d number of the Pictorial History of England, a work of great value and practical utility. Eighteen numbers more will complete it.

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