
Monday, June 3, 2019

Clement Clarke Moore and Daughter

The collection of Nathaniel Fish Moore Photographs in the Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibition includes this unique image of Clement C. Moore, at chess with one of his daughters.

Moore, Nathaniel Fish, 1782-1872, “Clement Clarke Moore and Daughter,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed June 4, 2019,
In the December 1963 issue of American Heritage, Richard M. Ketchum introduced a holiday profile of Moore with this description of the photograph shown above:
The image is all but gone from the glass plate; what remains is a faded shadow of the man and his daughter, frozen forever in the interrupted moment of their chess game. When this picture was taken, Clement Clarke Moore was past middle age, with most of his achievements behind him, with the way of life he had known in rural Manhattan disappearing. Born midway through the Revolution, he would die seven days after the Battle of Gettysburg, his eighty-four years spanning the birth and breakup of the Union....
--Faces from the Past
The daughter must be Mary Clarke Ogden or one of Moore's unmarried daughters, either Katharine or Maria Theresa.

Children of Clement C. Moore (1779-1863) and Catherine Elizabeth Taylor Moore (1795-1830):
  • Margaret Elliott Moore (Ogden) 1815–1845 
  • Charity Elizabeth Moore 1816–1830 
  • Benjamin Moore 1818–1886
  • Mary Clarke Ogden 1819–1893
  • Clement Moore 1821–1889
  • Emily Moore 1822–1828
  • William Taylor Moore 1823–1897 
  • Katharine Van Cortlandt Moore 1825–1890 
  • Maria Theresa Barrington Moore 1826–1900

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