
Monday, April 9, 2018

Melville in Alabama

From the Alabama Planter, May 7, 1849:
We are also indebted to Mr. J. Randall, 44 Water street, and Messrs. Carver & Co., 36 Dauphin street, for copies of "Mardi: and a Voyage Thither. By Hermann Melville." Those who have read those charming books "Omoo" and "Typee" by Melville, will require no other recommendation for these well-printed volumes, which issue from the press of the Harpers. The New York Mirror, which is very good authority, speaks thus of Mardi:
"Mardi, with all its fascinations, its unique style, its beautiful language, its genial humor, its original thoughts, its graphic descriptions, its poetic flights, its profound reasonings, its philosophic reflections, its gentle religious teachings, its inimitable whole, stretches before us like a new world, and the mental eye can never weary of gazing upon its strangely beautiful landscape."
Published Mondays in Mobile, the Alabama Planter was owned and edited by Wesley W. McGuire and H. Ballentyne.

· Mon, May 7, 1849 – 2 · Alabama Planter (Mobile, Alabama) ·

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