
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Notice of Moore's Poems in The Church Review

From the July 1849 issue of The Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register:
POEMS. By Clement C. Moore, LL. D. New York: Bartlett & Welford, 1844. 12mo. pp. 216.

We hope to be pardoned by the venerable author of these poems in speaking of them editorially, though his modest and retiring nature has given us no such permission. There is a rich vein of humor and naturalness characterizing his muse, which has given to some of his effusions a wide circulation. His "Visit from St. Nicholas" is familiar to all our readers. We cannot do better than quote the following lines from Philip Hone, Esq., of New York, sent to Prof. Moore, in return for a bunch of flowers and a charming little sonnet:
"Filled as thou art with attic fire,
   And skilled in classic lore divine,
Not yet content, would'st thou aspire
   In Flora's gorgeous wreath to shine?
Would'st thou in language of the rose
   Lessons of wisdom seek t' impart,
Or in the violet's breath disclose
   The feelings of a generous heart?
Come as thou wilt, my warm regard
   And welcome, shall thy steps attend;
Scholar, musician, florist, bard—
   More dear to me than all, as friend,
Bring flow'rs and poesy, a goodly store,
Like Dicken's Oliver, I ask for Moore."

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