
Friday, April 7, 2017

London correspondent "H." of the Boston Atlas on Mardi: "affected, inflated and pompous"

Boston Semi-Weekly Atlas - May 2, 1849
Found in the online archives of Historical Newspapers at Genealogy Bank:
Herman Melville, author of Typee and Omoo, has published a new work called "Mardi, and a voyage thither." It is a poor affair. In style it is very affected, inflated and pompous. It has all the defects, to exaggeration, of its predecessors, and hardly any of their merits. Many may be tempted into a perusal of it by a remembrance of the interest and merits of Typee. Of these, however, I venture to say but few will read on until the end; and should any be so persevering, the termination of their labors will be hailed by them as a happy release.  --Boston Semi-Weekly Atlas, May 2, 1849

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