
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

New Year's Addresses in the Political Barometer by Isaac Mitchell

In the Hudson, New York Balance for January 8, 1805, editor Harry Croswell extensively criticized the 1805 "Address to the New Year" in the Kingston Plebian as "written, without any question, by that rare child of genius, Mitchell...."  Generous quotations by the reviewer make it clear the Plebian text is the same as that published in the Political Barometer, co-edited by Isaac Mitchell. Croswell's sarcastic review of the 1805 Address appears in the Balance under the heading, "Mitchell's Poetry":
The Balance, and Columbian Repository, Volume 4 - January 8, 1805
The year before, the Balance had mocked Mitchell's 1804 address in the Political Barometer, as part of Croswell's first annual round-up of "New Year's Addresses."
New-Year's Addresses Reviewed
in The Balance, and Columbian Repository, Volume 3 - February 7, 1804
The Balance, and Columbian Repository Vol. 3 - February 7, 1804

How many of the New Year's Addresses in the Political Barometer did editor Isaac Mitchell write? All of them? 

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