
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Huybertie Pruyn in 1879 with "Aunt Kitty" (Herman Melville's cousin Kate) and "Uncle Abe" Lansing

Added the newspaper image below to yesterday's post with Huybertie Pruyn Hamlin's story of seeing Herman Melville in Albany, at the home of Herman's cousin Kate Gansevoort Lansing and her husband Abraham. Published June 15, 1937, the Albany Evening News article reproduces a Pruyn family photograph from 1879 showing Aunt Kitty (Melville's cousin Kate) and Uncle Abe who stands directly behind Huybertie Pruyn. Also pictured and identified in the newspaper caption are Huybertie Pruyn's mother (Anna Fenn Parker), sister Harriet or "Hattie" and (half-) brother "Jack."

Albany Evening News / Tuesday, June 15, 1937
Found in the online archives of historic newspapers at Fulton History. And yes, I have ordered a copy of An Albany Girlhood. Belatedly, but you know what they say.

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