
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Fragments from a Writing Desk: 1912 Report of a Conversation Melville had with C....

Hershel Parker's fine find (linked below) is another printing of the 1912 article by E. J. Edwards which circulated under different headings in different newspapers. The Raleigh News and Observer (February 8, 1912) published it under the heading, "The Classic that Inspired a Famous Romance." George Monteiro in Resources for American Literary Study Volume 33 (2008; AMS Press, 2010) cites the same article from the Columbia, South Carolina newspaper The State, published there as "Dana's Book and 'Typee,'" also on February 8, 1912. Professor Monteiro's large 2008 inventory of Fugitive References only excerpts the first paragraph, without mentioning Briggs or anything of  Briggs's Melville anecdote as reported by Edwards.

Fragments from a Writing Desk: 1912 Report of a Conversation Melville had with C....: There is plenty of evidence that young EJE knew CFB well. presumably in the early or mid 1870s. So the story could be true, in substance,...

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