
Thursday, February 11, 2016

We--that is, Melvilliana and the U. S. Consulate General in Florence, Italy--had the wrong man in photo of James Lorimer Graham

Naively I figured the Consulate General of the United States in Florence, Italy would know one of their own. Unfortunately the photo below does not show the former Consul General James Lorimer Graham, Jr. (1835-1876). We should have paid more attention to the caption (no "Jr." at all): "JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM." Not to mention the late look of the photo, not to mention the giveaway in the sub-heading which indicates Graham's Wall Street employer: "S. F. JOHNSON & CO."

This James Lorimer Graham had been with the firm since 1869 but became a partner in 1892, as explained in New York, 1894; Illustrated:
S. F. JOHNSON & CO. Bankers and Brokers, No. 18 Wall Street.— This well-known concern was founded originally in January, 1869, by Johnson & Day, who were succeeded by Gwynne, Johnson & Day. and in 1879, Messrs. S. Fisher Johnson and Charles W. Miller formed a partnership under the present firm title. Both are thoroughly experienced men, and devote their close attention to the wants of their patrons. In 1892 Mr. James Lorimer Graham, who has been connected with the house ever since its inception, was admitted into the firm, with no change of title. They deal in all kinds of bonds, stocks, securities, etc., on commission only, for cash or on margin, and, as they are members of the New York Stock Exchange, all their transactions for patrons are governed by the strict rules controlling that honorable and reliable organization. They also do a general banking business.... --New York, 1894
As reported in Moody's Magazine, in 1905 Graham formed the firm of Graham, Taylor & Co. after the dissolution of S. F. Johnson & Co.

So, we still lack a photograph or any image of James Lorimer Graham (1835-1876), aka "Lorry" Graham or "Lorrie" Graham. According to Bayard Taylor, we're looking for a bald man:
Be to me ever as to-night
And I shall know no setting light
Of love, and joy in all things fair,
And light as thirty, forty wear.
Yea, though as bald my head should grow
As Lorry Graham's,
or white as snow,
Like Stoddard's pow, or tho' my face
Stedman's imposing mien should grace...  --impromptu by Bayard Taylor, quoted in Marie Hansen Taylor, On Two Continents: Memories of Half a Century.
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