
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Moby-Dick favorably noticed in the Rochester, N. Y. Daily Democrat

"MOBY-DICK, or THE WHALE”—Is another attractive book, by Herman Melville, the popular author of “Omoo,” Typee,” and other well known works relating to Sea-Life. It is replete with wild adventures and thrilling scenes. Mr. Melville is a master, and a light, in that path of Romance in which he has chose to walk. His descriptions are graphic and complete, and are thoroughly imbued with that grace and charm which is a peculiarity of his genius. The work is dedicated to Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is published by Messers. Harpers.  --Rochester [New York] Daily Democrat, Wednesday Morning, January 21, 1852; found at Old Fulton NY Post Cards.
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