
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Birthday of Famous Americans / Today

From the Lockport, New York Union-Sun and Journal for Wednesday Evening, August 1, 1917:

Found at Fulton History. In the next-to-last sentence, "1829" is obviously a typo for 1892 when the United States Book Company republished four of Melville's "romances of the sea," namely Typee, Omoo, White-Jacket, and Moby-Dick.




Herman Melville was born on the 1st of August, 1819, at New York. He received his education at the Albany Classical School, taught for several years a country school and in 1841, he shipped on a New Bedford whaler and for several years went through a series of adventures on the sea that served as a basis for his many great novels. Some of the most interesting of these are: "Typee, a Peep at Polynesian Life," "Omoo, Adventures in the South Seas," "White Jacket, or the World in a Man-o-War," "Moby Dick, or the White Whale," "Pierre, or the Ambiguities" and in verse Battle Pieces and Aspects of the Great War," his best writing of poetry, published in 1866. In 1829 [1892] his four best romances of the sea were republished. Melville died on the 28th of September, 1891, at his birthplace.
Below, a later issue of the 1892 Typee with editor Arthur Stedman's important biographical introduction. Cheers to all on Herman Melville's 196th Birthday!

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