
Monday, April 27, 2015

Melville "remarkable as a narrator or a humorist": notice of Omoo in the Richmond Enquirer

Photo Credit: L. W. Currey, Inc.

To Ball, Harrold & Co., we are indebted for Omoo; a narrative of adventures in the South sea, by Herman Melville, author of “Typee.” This latter book, from its details so strikingly picturesque and fresh, received and merited the title of “The new Robinson Crusoe.” We published a number of extracts from the London press, paying a high compliment to the American production. This second work shows the author to be remarkable as a narrator or a humorist. We rejoice to see our literary reputation extended by our young men of genius, such as Melville.
-- Daily Richmond [Virginia] Enquirer, Thursday, July 1, 1847; reprinted the next morning, Friday, July 2, 1847. Both items found in the Newspaper Archives at Genealogy Bank

Update: For more on Melville in the Daily Richmond Enquirer see related posts on

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