
Friday, March 6, 2015

Philo Logos Society in 1837: debate and elections

From the Albany Evening Journal, Wednesday, January 4, 1837:


The quarterly public debate of the Young Men’s Philologos Society will take place Jan 5th 1837, in the Chapel of the Albany Female Seminary, in Division st. commencing at half past [?] P. M.

Question— “Will the present republican form of government probably exist in the United States for a half century to come?”

The citizens generally are invited to attend.

By order. CHAS VAN LOON, Pres’t.
Wm. Lincoln, Sec’ty.
Found in the online newspaper archives at Fulton History: Albany NY Evening Journal 1837 -0614. Subsequently, this notice of thanks in the Albany Evening Journal, Saturday, January 7, 1837:
A CARD.—The young men of Philologos Society, tender their thanks to the Rev. J. N. Garfield, Principal of the Seminary, for the gratuitous use of the chapel of that institution on the occasion of their public debate.

--Fulton History archives: Albany NY Evening Journal 1837 -0623
Election news from the Albany Evening Journal, Saturday, April 29, 1837:
At the annual election of the Young Men’s Philologos Society, holden April 8th, 1837, the following gentlemen were duly elected officers for the ensuing year:

Charles Van Loon, President.
Abraham Burke, 1st Vice President.
[S?]. A. Phelps, 2d Vice President.
Wm. Lincoln, Recording Secretary.
Jacob A. Lansing, Corresponding Secretary.
Roswell Steele, Treasurer. 
--Found in the online newspaper archives at Fulton History: Albany NY Evening Journal 1837 -1014
Herman Melville was elected President of the Philo Logos Society on February 9, 1838, as announced in the Albany Evening Journal on February 13, 1838.

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