
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Destiny of Mardi

 What were we saying about Mardi? From the London Standard, Tuesday, April 10, 1849:
Herman Melville. — The remarkable work of this most interesting writer just published has by this time been read by thousands. "Mardi" is certainly, for imagination, for picturesque beauties, for profound thought and eloquence, mixed up occasionally with soarings in which we confess we cannot follow him, one of the most interesting and remarkable books to which our attention has been called for a long time. There are pictures for the poet and painter, profound thought for the philosopher, curious speculations for the students of human character, and entertainment for these who seek to be amused. Herman Melville's genius is unquestionable, and "Mardi," like "Gulliver's Travels," is destined to never ending popularity.

--found at The British Newspaper Archive
The same review appeared on Thursday, April 12, 1849 in the London Morning Post, credited to the Evening Paper.

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