
Thursday, May 24, 2012

early political speech by Gansevoort Melville

From the New York Evening Post, Tuesday Evening, April 11, 1843:
GREAT SAILORS’ MEETING.—An immense meeting gathered at the Sailors’ Liberty Pole, James slip, last evening. Two thousand men must have been present. Major Davezac addressed them in an eloquent speech, and closed by urging most earnest exertions at the polls to-day.— His remarks were most heartily responded to. Mr. Gansevoort Melville then followed. He urged upon the adopted citizens their duty to sustain the democratic party, at the same time he set forth, in the most glowing colors, the ruinous effects of the present high duties upon commerce. Several resolutions were then offered, and the meeting adjourned with immense cheering for free trade, sailors’ rights, and Robert H. Morris.

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